SurgiDat IA™
Inventory Automation
SurgiDat IA delivers simple point of use inventory automation. SurgiDat IA easily integrates into your existing clinical, financial, materials management and billing systems to provide near time management reporting and stock control at a glance.
SurgiDat IA Solutions
- Inventory automation through point of use workflow data capture
- Multi-facility, single database, materials management layer, inventory at a glance
- Automated stock, non-stock and consignment management
- Automated billing, replenishment and contract compliance
- Automated stock requisitions to supply chain system
- OR GUI for patient, procedure, surgeon and preference
- SPD tray and instrument management (audit and compliance)
- Medical record tracking and patient to bed allocation
- Patient charge by procedure maximize revenue dollars
- Low stock notification
- Contract maintenance based on payer, episode and stock usage
- Business intelligence tools, graphics and reporting
- Inventory Intelligence™ can reduce inventory to 3-5 days avoiding expired stock.
SurgiDat IA Performance
- Patient safety and regulatory compliance
- Enterprise - Real-time knowledge across the supply chain
- Ease of use = simple to deploy and manage
- Web based, secure, scalable, layered technology, accountability and risk management
- Measurable outcomes for spend/allocation, financial control and budgeting
- Inventory requirements based upon clinical workflow
- Simple data management at point of use/patient level allocation
- Customized to your business needs
- Rapid deployment and interface with existing systems
Patient Centric
- SurgiDat is built to fit the way you operate
- Tailored to your business needs
- Coordinates patient relationship with materials management
- One centralized access point across multiple data sources enabling a more informed patient care decision
- At a glance, secure web based, Service Orientated Architecture (SOA)