AORN 56th Congress
March 14-19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Enjoy a festive annual meeting with a lot of opportunities to earn contact hours by attending the many interesting eduction sessions.
- Meet a variety of prominent, industry leading speakers
- View peer submitted poster displays
- Review cutting-edge OR technology displayed by the many exhibitors and industry partners on the show room floor
- Connect with your colleagues, industry partners, and friends
IAHCSMM 2009 Annual Meeting
May 3-6, 2009
Orlando, FL
IAHCSMM’s 44th Annual Meeting marks 51 years of serving the Central Service community, and promises to be our best attended meeting ever. Come join the celebration in Orlando, Florida, and stimulate your customer relationships with many key decision-makers in the healthcare central service and materiel management fields. The managers and supervisors who will be in attendance are directly responsible for the purchase, supply, maintenance, and distribution of instrumentation and equipment for hospitals, clinics, and academic facilities throughout the world.