SurgiDat Serenity™ User Login

SPD Control Systems Getting Started with Serenity
SurgiDat Serenity
Serenity a Powerful Instrument Management System
Providing the OR with outcomes such as
- Unique item level management
- Where is my instrument
- RTLS (Real Time Location System) RFID item location level management
- Case Cart Management - Links to SurgiDat preference cards or use your own current Card system
- Sterilizer interface for high level user compliance and historical till roll data retrieval
- Pack on Screen - Provides a higher level of compliance
- Missing Instrument labels
- Stock Takes of processed assemblies
Serenity is a simple electronic solution, designed to replace sterilization date labels and manual record keeping systems, and can be implemented at multiple levels of complexity and production requirement
Getting Started - 101
As a minimum, every facility should know their "Surgical Tray Level Inventory", this can be achieved through implementing the SurgiDat online Serenity kit auditing and management tools.
Serenity provides added value to the OR and surgical procedure, through the high visibility of not just the kit type, but the actual kit e.g. "Major Set-3".
Did You Know?
Are you tracking surgical instrument trays from patients? Are you compliant with AAMI and CDC standards?
Serenity users can immediately create reports and track items from patients. Serenity provides standardization and compliance capabilities throughout your department and organization. Real-time views of single departments to multiple facilities are instantly available via an administratively-driven secure user name and password.
Replace your manual log book system today. Serenity implementation is quick and simple, leaving your workflow unchanged. You will experience an immediate increase in production efficiency, accountability and increased patient safety.